Choco windows
Choco windows

choco windows

Note: Windows 10 comes with PowerShell 5.0 so there is no need to install or upgrade PowerShell to simplify the Chocolatey installation. I didn't have to worry about losing the PSModulePath customizations, so I just upgraded to PowerShell v5.1 via the Windows Management Framework 5.1. * (If you need to upgrade from PowerShell v2 on Windows 7 read this blog which notes some issues you might run into (and why Chocolatey would have made things a bit easier). Installing Chocolatey is a simple command line action from an administrative PowerShell v3+.* iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex Chocolatey is a lot like the Linux tool apt-get and makes installing and managing packages simple. Installing Amp on Windows can be a challenge at times, but thanks to Chocolatey: the package manager for Windows the whole process is a lot simpler.

choco windows

This is a guest blog post by Walt Sorensen.

Choco windows